Item variations can be used in many different ways. Item variations allow organizers to create items with slight variations (e.g., size, color, material, etc). A key aspect of item variations is the ability to give each item variation a unique price, quantity, photo and/or SKU...while keeping all variations within one item on a collection.
Ways to use item variations
Below are a few examples of how we see organizers using item variations. Keep in mind when viewing these examples, with each variation selected from the drop-down menus, there can be a unique quantity (as well as price, photo, and SKU) that the platform is tracking and managing.
In this item example, "Booster Tee" is the item, and "Size” and “Color” are the item variation drop-downs in which payers make a selection.

In this example, "Thursday from 3-5 pm" (a time slot) is the item, and "activity" is the item variation drop-down in which payers make a selection.

In this example, "Class Volunteer Sign Up - Friday Mornings" (a date) is the item, and "Times" is the item variation drop down in which payers make a selection.

In this example, "Acacia Ring" is the item, and "Material” is the item variation drop down in which payers make a selection.