Dynamic forms give organizers the ability to dynamically generate a form based on an item and its quantity. It essentially allows you to create a one-to-one relationship between specific items and forms. Dynamic forms are commonly used by organizers when creating registration pages. Dynamic forms is a Team feature.
Understand dynamic forms
Imagine you are creating a collection for a camp registration and you have an item for “Camp registration dues”. When someone pays for a registration, you also need them to fill out a waiver for the camp. This is a perfect example of when you might want to use dynamic forms.
In this example, when a parent adds the dues item to their cart, they will now see a waiver to complete on the next step of checkout (this is because the “dues” item and “waiver” are linked using dynamic forms). Taking that even further, if the parent signs up multiple children, when they add a second “dues” item to their cart, dynamic forms would add a second waiver to the page for them to complete. This feature essentially gives you the ability to have “smart” forms.
In order to leverage this feature, the items you link to forms must either be a ticket or must:
- Include at least one required question
- Have quantity selector disabled
Pro Tip:
Any item type can be linked to a form or waiver.
Dynamic form names
When you link an item to a form, you now create a scenario where payers might be completing multiples of the same form for different items. In order to create clarity around which form applies to which item, you have the ability to dynamically name completed forms based on responses to required item questions.
Let’s say you’ve created a form and named it “Camper Info”. You could assign the response to a required item question (such as “participant’s name”) to be added to the end of each completed form’s name (see image below).
Set up dynamic forms
Since this is a fairly advanced feature, the steps below walk you through setting up a dynamic form:
- When creating or editing a collection, from the Builder > Items step, click to add an item.
- After naming your item, on the item settings view, be sure that “quantity selector” remains disabled.
- On the item questions view, add an item question and make that item question required.
- Save your item.
- Advance to the Builder > Forms step and click to add a form or waiver.
- After creating your form questions, click “Continue”, which will take you to form settings.
- Toggle on the setting “Dynamically generate form based on an item and its quantity”. From the drop-down selector, select the item you want to tie to the form.
- Once you select an item, you’ll see another drop-down. From this menu, select which required question response you’d like added to the form name.
- Review the other form settings available and continue on to save your form.
Now you’re ready to go. You can test that dynamic forms are working properly by previewing your collection. Simply add your specified item to the cart and ensure that the appropriate form is generated on the form step.