When organizers use Cheddar Up to sell something, they often need the option to collect shipping information and pass on shipping fees to payers. Cheddar Up handles this and also gives organizers the ability to seamlessly print packing slips and purchase shipping labels. Shipping is a Pro feature.
Key concepts of shipping
Cheddar Up’s shipping feature can be customized based on organizer needs. Organizers have the option to:
- Add a flat shipping fee to checkout.
- Waive shipping fees if a minimum order amount is reached.
- Enable a secondary shipping method of “free local pickup” for anyone local.
Turn on and configure shipping options
To add shipping to a collection, take the following steps:
- Within Build > Settings, click “Shipping and Discounts”.
- Toggle on the option that says “Add flat shipping fee to checkout”.
- Enter the flat shipping fee of your choice (how to choose your fee?).
Additional Options
- Want to let payers "earn" free shipping? Toggle on the option to enable free shipping with a minimum order amount.
- Have local payers? Turn on the “Enable free local pickup” option to let local payers avoid shipping fees. Upon toggling on this option, you’ll see the option to provide pickup instructions (e.g., “Come by anytime on Friday”, “Text me before you swing by”, etc.).
Example of shipping at checkout
See below to understand what different shipping options look like at checkout.
"Ship to Me" option at checkout, which requests shipping information:
"Local Pickup" option at checkout, which has no fee and can include pickup instructions:
Common Questions
If you will potentially be shipping items to different places across the country, we recommend selecting a shipping fee that is “middle of the road” so to speak. We typically see flat shipping fees in the range of $5.00 - $8.00.
No matter what fee you select, it typically works out (i.e., If you go with a flat fee of $6.00, and you’re shipping from Colorado to the east coast, perhaps you’ll end up paying ~$1 more (so you lose $1). On the flip side, if you ship to another customer from Colorado to Utah, your actual shipping fee will probably be $1-2 less than what was charged (so you make ~$1-2).). So while it’s not an exact science, the flat shipping fee usually works well for sellers.