Here we help you understand key alerts related to your account as well as email notification settings you can use to control repeat notifications sent on the platform.
Notification Settings
If you would like to avoid receiving "Payment Received" confirmation emails, you can turn off these emails on an account-wide basis by going to My Account > Profile > Notifications. Please note that if you turn off these emails, you will continue to receive "Payment Confirmation" emails when you make a payment to someone else on the platform.
In addition to disabling "Payment Received" emails, you will see the option to turn off any payment reminders you might be receiving from other group organizers. Simply toggle off the emails you wish to disable. Keep in mind that you can turn these emails back on at anytime by returning to your Notifications settings and toggling them back on.
Account Alerts
If you have taken any key security-related actions on your account, or have a pending administrative-related issue regarding your account (e.g., your password has changed, you received a dispute, you added a new bank account, etc.), you will be alerted to these changes via an email as well as an account alert.
If you have an alert, you will see an orange exclamation in the upper-right corner of your browser. You can view any active alerts within My Account > Alerts. If you no longer wish to see an alert, you will see the option to "clear alert" or confirm that you've read it.