Create items on your collection

Items are added in the second step when building a collection. An item is something someone can pay for or give toward. There are four item types on Cheddar Up, each of which can be created with different settings and customizations, which this article will cover. 

Four item types

  • Fixed: Our Fixed Price item offers a set price for almost anything: goods, services, events! It’s ideal for straightforward transactions such as online purchases or registrations and it comes with lots of settings including the ability to add item variations and limit and track quantities.

  • Donation: Our Donation item allows donors to contribute any amount they choose (with the option for the organizer to include suggested donation amounts). You also have the option to show how much you’ve collected for a specific item, set an item-specific fundraising goal, and display tax-deductible information. Keep in mind that while we use the term "Donation" within the Collection builder, this word does not appear on your collection page, which also allows this open-dollar-amount item type to be used for things other than donations. 

  • Ticket: Our Ticket item enables easy event management and allows more event-specific customizations including date, time, and per-attendee ticket details. It also sends payers emailed QR Code tickets, resulting in seamless check in, allowing organizers to scan tickets using our mobile app.

  • Recurring Plan: Our Recurring Plan item is perfect for regular contributions or dues. You can create customizable payment plans with fixed or donation amounts and can set both the frequency and duration of payments. Payers love the convenience—they pay once and have the rest happen automatically.

Build an item

  • From Build > Items, select “Add” and select your item type.
  • On the “Details” panel, give your item a name (e.g., dues, t-shirt, registration, etc.) and, if applicable, enter the price associated with your item.
  • On the “Description” panel, you can give your item an optional description and/or add an item image.
  • On the “Settings” panel, you can choose to add a number of optional settings to your item (e.g., quantity available, make item required, etc.). See below for more detail.
  • On the “Questions” panel, you can choose to ask questions associated with your items (e.g., name, t-shirt size, etc.).
  • Last, click “Save” to save your item, keeping in mind that you can edit it at any time.

Advanced item settings

There are many ways to customize your items including:

  • Add item variations: Item variations allow organizers to create items with slight variations (e.g., size, color, materials, etc.) with the ability to give each item variation a unique price, quantity, photo and/or SKU, all within one item (available on Fixed items). Learn more
  • Show a quantity selector: This allows payers to add more than one item at a time to their cart (available on Fixed items).
  • Set available quantity: If you have a limited number of items, you can designate your quantity available. The platform will count down as items are sold and display "Sold Out" when all available items have been purchased (available on Fixed and Ticket items).
  • Make available quantity public: This setting displays the number of available items on the collection for payers to see (available on Fixed and Ticket items).
  • Create a waitlist: Once an item is sold out, create a list of who wants to purchase the item so you can contact them if more become available (available on Fixed and Ticket items).
  • Limit per-person quantity: This allows you to limit the item quantity that each payer can add to their cart (available on Fixed and Ticket items). 
  • Make total collected on an item public: This allows you to display the total collected for a single donation (open amount) item (available on Donation items). 
  • Item fundraising goal: This let's you set a fundraising goal for a specific item, showing your community real-time progress (available on Donation items). 
  • Make item required: If every payer visiting your collection needs to purchase a specific item, you can make your item required. Payers will not be able to advance to checkout without this required item in their cart (available on Fixed, Ticket and Recurring Plan items).

Images and description

There are many instances where you might want to add more information or an image to your item. This is an option on all item types. Here are some tips when doing so:

  • You can add one item image on the Basic plan. If you upgrade to the Pro plan, you can add up to three item images. If your item uses item variations, you can add an unlimited number of item images.
  • We recommend item image files of 360 X 360 pixels. Item images may be cropped to 225 x 225 pixels on your collection, depending on device. Payers can view the entire image by clicking on the thumbnail image, or by clicking the "Add to Cart" button. 
  • Item image files must be .JPG or .PNG format.

Item questions

If you need to collect information from the payer when they select an item, you can add item questions. Examples of an item question might include size or color options or information such as payer name, age, etc. Item questions are available on all item types. Learn more about all the ways to collect information on Cheddar Up here.