If you're looking to add extra customization to your collection, our "information blocks" let you add at-a-glance information to the right column of your collection page. This article highlights what blocks are available.
Highlight information in the right column of your collection
If you have a lot of information related to your collection, sometimes things can get overlooked if it's all crammed within the collection description. That's where our "Information Blocks" come in! Information blocks allow you to carve out specific information and feature it in the right column of your collection page, including:
Fundraising and Participation blocks:
- Promote sharing: Give participants the option to share your collection in an email, social post, or text.
- Make total collected public: Show the total collected on your collection to date.
- Set a fundraising goal for this collection: Encourage current and potential donors with a progress bar on your collection page.
- Make participant list public: List the first and last names of participants (no amounts or emails), with the option to customize your list header.
Date and Location blocks:
- Add date and time: If your collection is related to a specific date and/or time, call attention to that with this info block.
- Add an in-person location: If your collection is related to a specific physical location, make it stand out with our address info block.
FAQ block:
- Include an FAQ: Include up to four questions (and answers!) that participants may have about your collection (e.g., refund policies, parking, etc.). Calling attention to common questions using this info block can help mitigate emailed questions coming into you, the organizer!
Contact blocks:
- Contact name and profile picture: By default, your account display name and profile picture is shown on all collections. All questions from participants will be sent to the account owner email unless a manager is specified. This info blocks prompts you to ensure your display name and profile pic are up to date.
- Assign a manager to be the main contact for this collection: This info block allows you to specify where questions from participants should be forwarded (either to the account owner or another manager).
- Include a button linking to your Group Page: If you've added collections to your Group Page (and are on the Team plan), this blocks displays a button on your collection within your contact block, allowing participants to view other relevant collections.